Sep 30, 2007

Kommentar zum "selbstporträt"

wie sie sehen ist die kamera in der intuitiv richtigen position, aber sie ist spiegelverkehrt, wie am schriftzug abzulesen ist, was bei der person nicht ersichltich ist, welche sogar so abgebildet ist, wie sie wahrgenommen wird (einfach um 270 grad im uhrzeigersinn gedreht...), aber die reflektion des wahrgenommenwerdens, das selbst, ist auch wieder spiegelverkehrt abgebidet.


"the problem called future"
you can make it a game and start to make the thinking the thinking about the game. the big puppetmasta, the reality of your life.

Sep 28, 2007


My life seen by my HandyCam wich was directly conected to the totality of my life. (Pictures made with a 2MP handy camera during one month in basel, berlin, landquart, lärz, zürich. then recorded a pp-presentation again with the 2MP handy cam. soundtrack by rotomotor)

Sep 18, 2007


A regime-critic movie about Ahmadinejad from a friend in Tabriz, Iran.
It is not about the movie, but about the movie being done and shared. A war against Iran is also a war against the people in Iran. And belive me, they are like us!

Aus Sich t

Der Fluchtpunkt einer jeglichen Aussicht aus sich ist der Tod.
In English it means perspective. A German synonym is Perspektive. It comes from the latin per-spectiva, per means through (durch, hindurch), and spectiva means view (blick), wich can also have the meaning of "to be in the known" (den Durchblick haben).


This is an image of a three dimensional model of a four dimensional fractal, a quaternion. It is based on a complex number with four components.