Jun 22, 2011

Apropos Natural Gas Visualization

Stephen Few rückt wieder mal alles ins rechte Licht und vergisst dabei nicht allen mitzuteilen, was für lausige Datenvisualisierer David McCandless und Ben Fry sind. Recht hat er trotzdem.

Hier ein kleiner Auszug:
As Jayne (Steven Few's Ehefrau) began to read my review, she soon reached the place where I wrote that I’ve never seen an effective data visualization by McCandless and sighed. Her thoughts were, “Here he goes again,” fearing that my words might set off another firestorm of angry responses. Then she continued reading, and her attitude changed. Here’s what she said about the natural gas visualizations after finishing:
They make no sense whatsoever. I actually found myself getting angry as I reviewed them—primarily because it seems like a deliberate attempt on GE’s part to deceive—to make us think they care about an issue by posting pretty visualizations that, in reality, say nothing. GE and David McCandless should be ashamed! After reviewing these visualizations, it seems clear that GE doesn’t really care about the issue, they just want us to think that they do.

Read the full text here

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