Jul 13, 2011

Talk to Me at MoMa

Tönt, als ob sich das MoMa da ein bisschen viel vorgenommen hat:

Talk to Me untersucht die Kommunikation zwischen Menschen und Dingen. Der Fokus liegt auf Objekten, die eine direkte Interaktion verlangen (Interfaces, Informationssysteme, Visualization Design, Kommunikationsgeräte...) und auf Projekten die eine emotionale, sensuelle oder intelektuelle Verbindung mit dem Betrachter herstellen. Poaahh! Wie soll man das alles unter einen Hut bekommen...
Übrigens wird Nicholas Feltrons Annual Report 2009 auch zu sehen sein.

Link zur Ausstellung: http://wp.moma.org/talk_to_me/
Das Online-Tagebuch zur Vorbereitung der Ausstellung findet ihr hier.

The Museum of Modern Art
24. Juli bis 7. November 2011

English version below

Talk to Me explores the communication between people and things. All objects contain information that goes well beyond their immediate use or appearance. In some cases, objects like cell phones and computers exist to provide us with access to complex systems and networks, behaving as gateways and interpreters. Whether openly and actively, or in subtle, subliminal ways, things talk to us, and designers help us develop and improvise the dialogue.
The exhibition focuses on objects that involve a direct interaction, such as interfaces, information systems, visualization design, and communication devices, and on projects that establish an emotional, sensual, or intellectual connection with their users. Examples range from a few iconic products of the late 1960s to several projects currently in development—including computer and machine interfaces, websites, video games, devices and tools, furniture and physical products, and extending to installations and whole environments.
How does the MoMa reconsile all this?! By the way Nicholas Feltron's Annual report 2009 was selected 

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