Jul 18, 2011

Buch-Tipp: Float

Ein Buch übers Bauen auf dem Wasser. Liegt ja eigentlich auf der Hand, so langsam damit zu beginnen, die schönen freien Wasserflächen auch noch zuzustellen. Und die Zersiedelung an Land wär dann sicher kein Thema mehr. Ausserdem sind 71% der Erdoberfläche von Wasser bedeckt und Fische hats eh bald keine mehr. Legen wir los!

Trotzdem ein schönes Buch, ausserdem ist es noch on sale. Hier zugreifen.

More Info and english after the jump

A book about building on Water: actualy it is obvious and time to start building our houses (and fabrics and shopping-malls and museums and stadiums etc.) on the nice, still free and open water....

From the Publisher:
Floating buildings have many advantages. They are both flexible and mobile. A buoyant structure can be moved to make space for a new building, decreasing the need for the demolition of development that still has a productive economic future. Floating buildings outwit changing water levels by rising and falling with the tide and, in doing so, promote a more responsible water management. They leave no scars on their sites, permitting planners to actively meet the demands of the moment.
It’s up to the architects of the climate-change generation to respond to the world’s spatial needs with smart, sustainable proposals. Float! Will help them do just that.

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